My ancestors were hung from those trees.
It’s a story told across my family.
Then one day I was chased down the same road.
Scared for my life, no lies told.
I’m running through bushes with cuts on my hands & feet.
My tears are running too.
I see spirits of my ancestors there.
They tell me to push through.
“Our lives are gone off this Earth,” they say.
“But yours is still here.
You represent us, so don’t show no fear.”
Then I see a tree standing there.
It tells me to come to it, so I do.
I go to the tree, and it tells me,
“There’s nothing that they can do to you. STAND TALL!!
We know what they’ve done. This Earth is not for them,
so don’t run. This Earth is not for them, so don’t run.
This Earth is not for them, you’ve already won.”